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The Fixed Wing
Electric Flight Specialists

Est. 2007

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(Equivalent to Speed 540L/500/600)


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Motor comes with 3.5mm male connectors already fitted

kv 920kv
Motor Diameter 36mm
Motor Length 60mm
Shaft Diameter 5mm
Shaft Length 17mm
Weight 250g
Mounting Hole Size M3, pitch 25mm
Mounting Hole Depth 6mm Max
No. of Poles 4
No Load Current 1.1A
Max Amps 30A
Max Volts 36V
Recommended ESC 45A-60A
Recommended Prop 10x5 - 3S LiPo


This motor is identical in diameter and fixing holes to either the old brushed Speed 540L, Speed 500 or Speed 600 but will produce 2-3 time the power.
We recommend a 10x5 prop on 3S, 3300mAh LiPo as a brushless upgrade.

Part Number Price Quantity
PPI-3660-920 £42.95
Prop Drivers - PP-PDRV50-80
Brushless Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC's)
LiPo Batteries
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